


Kennedy Ho at his office in JTC tower,Silom,Bangkok. In the background family photo of Ho family can be seen. Mr. Keneddy Ho is a well-known figure in the field of gemology. He is the founder of Asian School of Gemological Sciences (AIGS), Bangkok. Established in 1978, AIGS was the first gemological school and lab to cater to the needs of students, traders and customers. More than 15000 students have graduated from AIGS. Hello Mr. Keneddy. Welcome to the interview session of Little Gemologist. 1. We would like to know about your journey in the gem industry? Ans. I have been in the gem trade since childhood. I was born in Burma, my father was into gem trade so that is how I automatically landed in the world of gemstones. 2. Was it voluntary or there was some family compulsion that you have to join the family business of gem trading?…