


History of jewellery is as old as religion itself. Since time immemorial both have symbolically complimented each other. From ancient Egyptians, Aztecs, Sumerians, Babylonians to Greeks and Romans,jewellery has been used in many ways in various religious practises and traditions. Used as a means to protect oneself from harm in form of Amulets to signify authority in form of Tiara or Papal ring or to remind people to remain immersed in the name of God via rosary beads, jewellery and religion have always walked hand in hand. When Napoleon Bonaparte established the French Empire, jewellery became a diplomatic assertion of power. The papal tiara he commissioned in 1804 was partly a bribe for Pope Pius VII in exchange for attendance at his self-coronation.  Tiara was adorned with precious stones, like Rubies, Diamonds and Emeralds. It had a 414-carat Emerald at the top. Let us take a look at…

Whitney flame Topaz. Pic courtsey Smithsonian Institution. Topaz also known as “Pittdoh” in Hebrew remained unknown until the mid-18th century. The Konigskone topaz mine…